My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The year is 1865 and Aiden and Maddy are starving on what is left of their drought-stricken farm in Kansas. They are the only survivors of their family, and are now out of food. When Jefferson Jackson shows up on their farm, they are suspicious, but see him as a way out of their situation. Aiden, 16, convinces Jackson to take he and Maddy along with his wagon train in exchange for Aiden's promise of payment of future wages from the logging camp destination to Jackson. The travel in the wagon train is a bleak adventure for both Aiden and Maddy, as it was for most travelers in the westward expansion. McKernan has researched thoroughly for the book and gives an accurate portrayal of life during this time period--perhaps a little too accurate in some instances. The part of the story dealing with the prostitutes, although not graphic, may be too much for the middle school reader.
This really was a great book.