My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Incarceron is a prison created originally as a Utopian society. It was created at the same time as the world outside decided to end the fear of technological advances by reverting to a life patterned after medieval times. Claudia, the daughter of the prison's warden, is raised in this false medieval environment and resents it's restrictions on her life. She also resents the fact that she must marry Casper, the prince of the Realms.
Finn is locked in the prison Incarceron, which has now degenerated into a base, dog-eat-dog society, and is trying to escape with his friends. Claudia's life intersects with Finn's when the two stumble onto high-tech keys, which allow them a glimpse into each other's world. Both are surprised at what they see.
The story is a little confusing at first, but turns out to be a first rate read for fantasy lovers.
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